Map - Bowil

Bowil is a municipality in the Bern-Mittelland administrative district in the canton of Bern in Switzerland.

Bowil is first mentioned in 1299 as Bonwile.

The village was once part of the Herrschaft of Signau and the Freiherren of Signau built their castles, Alt-Signau and Neu-Signau, between Bowil and Signau villages. Today, the municipal border has been redrawn and the ruins of both castles are in Bowil. During the Middle Ages, Bowil was part of the lands of the Freiherr of Signau, but other distant landowners and local farmers owned rights or property in the village. In 1528, Bern adopted the Protestant Reformation and Bowil quickly followed. However, in the following years, it became a haven for Anabaptists. In 1720, to try to convert the Anabaptists to the Swiss Reformed faith, Bern established a filial church in the village. In 1930 that church became a parish church over the parish of Bowil-Oberthal.

Traditionally the village economy relied on subsistence agriculture. However, in the late 18th century local farmers began to raise grass which they could harvest as hay for cattle. By the 19th century, dairy farming had replaced traditional agriculture. In 1901 a railway station connected the village to the rest of the country. The easy transportation connection encouraged small factories to move into Bowil. However, in 1990 one-third of the jobs in the village were still in agriculture.

Map - Bowil
Google - Map - Bowil
Google Earth - Map - Bowil
Google Earth
Nokia - Map - Bowil
Openstreetmap - Map - Bowil
Map - Bowil - Esri.WorldImagery
Map - Bowil - Esri.WorldStreetMap
Map - Bowil - OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
Map - Bowil - OpenStreetMap.HOT
Map - Bowil - OpenTopoMap
Map - Bowil - CartoDB.Positron
Map - Bowil - CartoDB.Voyager
Map - Bowil - OpenMapSurfer.Roads
Map - Bowil - Esri.WorldTopoMap
Map - Bowil - Stamen.TonerLite
Country - Switzerland
Flag of Switzerland
Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located at the confluence of Western, Central and Southern Europe. It is bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east.

Switzerland is geographically divided among the Swiss Plateau, the Alps and the Jura; the Alps occupy the greater part of the territory, whereas the Swiss population of approximately 8.7 million is concentrated mostly on the plateau, where the largest cities and economic centres are located, including Zürich, Geneva and Basel.
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
CHF Swiss franc Fr 2
CHE WIR Bank 2
CHW WIR Bank 2
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Austria 
  •  France 
  •  Germany 
  •  Italy 
  •  Liechtenstein 
Administrative Subdivision
City, Village,...